It’s a weird thing, that I can tell people I’m a published author. What’s more, is that I can now tell people I’m a two-time published author.
Writing has always been my thing. I would journal, and blog, and scribble sentences in pretty notebooks. I’d day dream about characters and story lines. And not just day dream, I’d create. I’d propagate these intense, complex, alter-egos and drop them into post-apocalyptic worlds, realms with magic and evil and swords. Places with kings and queens, and where wars were fought with much more than guns and bombs.
Yes, sometimes there were dragons. Sometimes there were fae. Sometimes there were characters from my favourite books or stories who’d help me along the way through the hero’s (or anti-hero’s) journey.
But I didn’t see any of that as my road to becoming an author, in fact, if anyone had ever asked, I wouldn’t have even told them writing was a hobby of mine, or a passion, or a craft I had an intense curiosity about.
Back then, it was simply daydreaming. Fan-fiction. Not something I could do anything with, not something I could put out into the world. Certainly, not something I could publish and make a career out of.
Today though, I can say I’m a two-time published author. And that, besties, is fucking wild.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me in this journey of self-publishing, whether is be through purchasing my work, reading on KU, sharing and engaging in my posts, or simply following along with me.
Forever Winter, a romance novella, is now available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and in Paperback.